Her grandparents bought her a very special and beautiful bracelet that has the heart, cross, and initial M for that very title. And I put it on her the other day. It is still too big for her tiny arms, as it slips right off. I did want to show you a picture of her wearing it though. It is a beautiful gift and a precious keepsake!! We feel so blessed by it and know that she will too!! Thank you!!
The changes you can see in a week are amazing to watch... I know because as I looked at my 5 year old the other day I thought wow did they grow together?? He looks so much older and mature in the face. And let's see Mia, is gaining and growing so well!! You can tell in a picture I have of the outfit she went home in and the outfit she wore at 3 weeks.... She is getting longer than "newborn", but too tiny for 0-3. So it is a funny little balance called no footed jammies for a bit.
I wish blogger could record sounds. I know I say it all the time but she is such a noise maker. A cute noise maker but she is always making some little sound and it is so sweet!!
We are still doing great. The reflux is getting to be the norm and adding the rice did help limit the amount coming back up but it is still the norm to wash about a dozen burp cloths and lots of blankets a day!! Doesn't seem to make her unhappy a bit so we just keep watching the weight gain for now.
She is really staying alert these days and finding a real routine. Love talking and singing to her and looking at her watch so intently. It is amazing to watch the older kids interact with her. The love is so natural and so plentiful!! We have all been incredibly blessed.
So enough of the chatter... pictures pictures pictures!! Enjoy and be blessed!!
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