Now we'll jump over to the stats!! She is 16lbs and 25". This puts her in the 60-75% for the downs charts and about 30+% for your typical 6 monther!! She is growing and doing great.
I am so excited to tell you all about her therapies. She is in physical and developmental. Technically she doesn't qualify for either except for her diagnosis. So it has been wonderful having them come out and keep up on top of the milestones!! They take place once a month and separately. Ava does her physical and Mia has so much fun with her. She is really doing well. She is slightly behind in her tone for being able to hold her neck up, which also would help her to sit unassisted. But we have a new favorite seat that helps with both!! Her bumbo- I would have never thought I would love a little seat that has an elephants bum on the underneath side sooo much. But the shape of it and the way it hold her bottom below her legs allows the perfect posture for our little princess. We have been taking it everywhere with us... For example, had to pick up Kaelyn from a track meet and it was crazy windy and little Ethan had fallen asleep- took it out in the car and she was able to play in the front seat while we waited!! Voila!!
Her developmental therapies have been great too... it's really just play time but I know it's hard work for a girl... :) Tasha was so cute the first time she met with Mia. She was worried that she would need that time to let Mia get to know her and well- that is her only other delay!! She doesn't have that object permanence skill down just yet, and it doesn't just show up in dropping a toy and having no interest to find it but also with strangers. She doesn't know one. And while every mother hates it when your little one cries for you- when you are with a stranger that isn't really a stranger to you... Mia loves Everyone!! This is apparently very common in downs and lasts all the way up to adulthood in some. Safety will play a role in that one later but for now- Tasha was happy to play. Since a few of her visits, we now have picked up on learning that skill a bit. She has begun looking for those toys she drops, she cries when I leave her site and smiles and laughs when I pop back around. That is a game I'm sure I might be sorry I started. But very happy to see her learning everyday!! She even said uh-oh totally randomly but Tasha sat there for a good 5 minutes just dropping the toy over and over repeating those words slowly and she said it again!! We just were so excited!! That session ended on a happy note!! She is learning a couple of signs right now too. She understands all done- and quiets rather quickly to that one!! It's like magic as Ethan would say. And we are trying to teach her milk for her bottle- I think she might almost understand that. She is saying mama and dadadadada... and lots of other combinations that are bursted with much joy!! She definately has the gift of sharing what's on her little mind!! And I'm sure it has something to do with all the talking to that she recieves from all the kids... it's funny conversations on a non-stop basis. Happy happy girl!!
Here she is on her quilt from Antioch playing on the floor- tummy time...
She is doing great health wise. She has begun some treatments that the doc was trying to hold off on for as long as he could. They will most likely just be a way of life for her until she gets a little bigger and her lungs are a little stronger. I am happy they have started them, it keeps us away from the Children's unit!! We are doing a steroid 2 times a day and albuterol as needed for the wheezing. She is on an antibiotic currently for a sinus infection. She is also on an allergy medicine daily!! She is fitting in perfectly- I traded the 12 year old nebulizer in for a newer model and singing all the same songs I used to during the treatments. I love that she laughs and smiles and doesn't scream and kick like some of the unnamed older children used too!! And so thankful for wonderful insurance that covers it all at no cost to us!! She has the cutest purple dinosaur mask... I suppose the purple makes it girly. Either way she's a sweety!!
She wouldn't smile for the camera... but loved her little expression that somehow says no more pictures...
St Patty's day girl!!
This first one is one of my favorite pictures of her... those sweet sweet eyes...
She really is a belly laugher. It is so funny how easily tickled she gets!! Love Love love it!!
Hope you enjoy the pictures and updates. Good night!!
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