It was a Minnie Mouse invasion around here!! Which by the way is her favorite right next Veggie Tales... but we went with the minnie mouse theme and it was the best reaction you have ever seen from a little girl!! Had I known her reaction to the balloons alone I would have for sure had a camera ready and rolling!! She was so thrilled and so animated!! It was priceless!!
We will get to the pictures in a minute. But lets talk about all the things little Miss Mia is up to. She is walking around like a storm on wheels. Getting into everything and taking her babydoll along for the ride. I have put a shopping cart in my bathroom so she can go shopping while I am getting ready in the mornings now. It sure makes for a fun morning!! Clothes are pulled off hangers, she gets to get all the deoderants and soaps out she wants and push it around!! Woohoo for a mama of 4!! I don't get as stressed about it all being put up neatly anymore... this is just a place for fun now!! & I like it!!
Mia is in therapy 4 days a week. We get to see Miss Ren for PT twice a week, Miss Kathy for Speech twice a week, and Miss Julie for OT twice a week. It makes for a busy week but it's a lot of fun watching her grow and learn. It is amazing to me to see all the little changes that happen with every appointment. She is so eager to learn and play. Her words, albeit stubbornly, are starting to really make their way. We just got a wonderful app (Proloquo2go) on our iPad for her to help her communicate even more with us and we are discovering it's a little harder than we thought but she is so smart and it is surely going to be a blessing.
She is busy most days playing with all her Little People houses and zoo's. Reading her books- and oh grandma Karen Llama Llama Red Pajama was/is a huge hit!! We read it with such animation that she sits for a very long time wanting it read over and over!!
We have also discovered the play gym at the park. We used to go and just swing but with her walking and really exploring more we opted to take a peek at the tunnels and slides... She navigates her way thru all of it (with absolutely NO fear, despite mama's fear) all on her own. She has such a sense of adventure!! It is such a joy to watch her go!!
We had a fun time at Pumpkin Patch this year. And with Mia walking it was a lot of fun. She is so animated about everything and oooooohing and awwwwwing over all the pumpkins was of no exception!!
And then there was Halloween. She made it thru a couple block of trick or treating this year. It was so fun. She walked up to a couple of doors all by herself and said "hi!" in her sweet little voice!! Everyone loved that sweet little ghost!!
She didn't like it up under her arms so we had to let the ribbon out a bit...but she still was such a cutie!!
And here are a few random ones!! Thanks for stopping by.
Mia is putting her baby to sleep here... hiding her eyes so baby will sleep. What you don't have a picture of is Mia turning around from baby with her hand on her hip and then this is her turning back to kiss and hide her eyes... silly baby just wouldn't go to sleep!!
it's such a blessing that you're such a fantastic photographer!