Tuesday, December 14, 2010

Merry Christmas

I have a disclaimer... I have tried 6 times over the last 2 months to load up pictures and updates for Miss Mia and Blogger has been uncooperative. I am trying now to load again.. so I hope this message comes to you with pictures!!! I have sooo many to share!!

Mia is continuing to be Amazing. We had our big appointment through the Down Syndrome clinic at Dallas Children's and we got to see a host of many different specialist. She has checked out to be completely healthy on all accounts. We are on a thyroid medicine for a very acute case of high thyroid. Very typical. She is now in private therapy rather than the Early Intervention for PT so that we can be more aggressive and she already showing off her stuff!! We are almost ready to start taking those steps by ourself!! She wants to move and walk so badly but balance holds her back. Her new therapist is awesome and we are thrilled to be in such good hands.

She is recieving RSV shots right now so she doesn't get a visit to the hospital this year. She just had her first ear infection. :( But is doing great!! The only other thing we are waiting to have looked at is a high count that showed up suggesting Celiac disease. It's apparently common amongst down syndrome children and so we have to undergo a endoscopy to rule it out concretely.

She was evaluated thru her private therapy to recieve Occupational and Speech and test above average and was not able to qualify for being right where she should be!! We were thrilled for her!! I think the brother and sisters always including her in everything is really paying off!! She is a chatterbox and sometimes we even know what she's saying or trying to say!!

Her current vocabulary includes... mama, daddy, bubba, bye bye, whoa, uh oh, up, ba-ba (milk or bottle), nigh nigh (mama I am ready for bed), ba (ball), more, waves hello when asked and claps on command if not all the time. I am sure I am leaving out something but she is doing great!! We have soooo much fun on a daily basis!!

Here are the photos we just took for our family photo shoot... but I will include mostly those of Mia. We had over 380 and that would take forever to upload... but you get the best!!

Love to you all... Merry Merry Christmas!!

Wednesday, October 13, 2010

Can you believe she's 1....

Lots of pictures...

Catching a snooze...

Her party.... oh the stinker was so happy and had sooo much fun!!

Birthday Buddies... Same day 14 years apart!!

Grandma Kay & Mia

Papa & Mia

Pumpkin Patch...

I got a red vine... who ME??